Selasa, 08 Juli 2014

Sword Art Online Review

Have you ever heard the title?
If the answer is yes. One hundred persent for sure, you must be hope that Nerve Gear is on your head rn!

Let me explain briefly about SAO AKA Sword Art Online. It was the best movie series ever. To be honest, I am not the type of person who likes movie series. But this kinda movie is totally different. Watch to prove it! Besides this movie was made from japan where the country has been known as shopisticated robotic maker. Also, the way to play the game is totally different. Its kinda inspiring rational imagination for gaming maker. 

The graphic design was similar with another game online that we always see in real life, such as Rishing Force, Dragon Nest, Seal, etc. 

Commonly if we play the online game, we are exactly in front of the monitor screen, right? Then y4ou all do it for many hours like somebody with an autism. 'Cause you sacrifice the feeling of sore and the eyes which are getting redden. Don't be angry, that's the fact! Haha

As I told you before, the way to play Sword Art Online is totally different. It doesn't needed monitor anymore, but all you need is use Nerve Gear and A Jacket with High Destiny. Then your own body is lying on the bed. The function of Nerve Gear and the Jacket are change your own body to be an avatar. So you can move the avatar by your own body. Future would have this!
So, for the cloning or Indonesian often call it as HODE. I suggest you to repent! or if you are men, your body will change to be women's body. Come on! It is really strange.

Enaugh for today, next time if I have enaugh time, I will edit this for adding some reviews.

Anw, I love this soundtrack.


Jumat, 13 Desember 2013

Story of My Addiction


Kelima cowo ini yang dulu sering gue repost di tumblr pas zaman dimana gue masih duduk di bangku kelas dua smp, berarti saat itu kira-kira berumur 14 tahunan lah AND THAN NOW gue yang sekarang alhamdullilah sudah tumbuh menjadi anak sma dimana umur gue sekarang adalah sweet 17th, kelima cowo ini SEDANG MENJADI PERBINCANGAN DUNIA!

For sure one hundred persent gak cuma gue yang ngalamin hal ini.
Pasti kalian girlsss yang aktif main tumblr tiga tahun yg lalu, udah gak asing lagi dong dengan bagaimana makhluk-makhluk ini terlihat. 

To be honest, saat itu gue main repost aja foto dan giff mereka tanpa mengetahui siapa mereka sebenarnya. Kecuali nama nama-nama yang tertempel di perut bocah-bocah ini which is also gue belum bisa melafalkannya dengan benar 😂

Karna tingkahnya yang begitu lucu bikin gue gereget pingin repost terus sampe gak sadar kalo tumblr page gue isinya bocah-bocah ini semua.
At the time gue adalah penggemar kalakuan kekonyolannya.

Dua tahun kemudian,
BOOOM!! VC What Makes You Beautiful terpampang jelas di branda Youtube.
Bahkan nyampe beberapa bulan gue masih bisa liat VC tersebut masih nyempil disana.
Kayak upil wkwk.


Then when I start to play the vid.
WAIT! OMG Viewersnya!!

Okay lanjut lagi.
They are the boys who I used to repost on tumblr!!

Uh gotta miss this guys.

Next time I will post many more things about them.
So keep reading.

Oh ya, maafkan muka Niall yg terlalu close up itu kwkw


Sabtu, 30 November 2013


              Kenalin nih mereka FINS! Fitrun Ineu Nurul Selma. Omigott!! Ampe gemeteran gini nulisnya saking kangennya ama mereka apalagi masa-masa jaman smp sama dan.. Ah udalah kalo uda nostalgia gini tuh suka jadi anteng pen nangis nangis. EMBER! MANA EMBER!!:”””
                Oke the first greating in the video itu Ineu Permatasari, ampe sekarang kita masi sekelas kok. Mungkin emang karna kita uda sehati ya wk. Lucunya waktu dulu pas kelas 6 SD pertama kenal dia di GO, gue ama si diknong liat cwe seumuran dikucir terus bulet gitu._.v tapi ucul kok neu:3 terus kita ajak kenalan ternyata namanya sundanesse banget. Ya karna masih asing gitu ditelinga kita ampe nanya beberapa kali nama dia=) Trus minjem hapenya, taunya ada video clip Titanic gitu, udadeh satu kelas pada ngerumpul saking penasarannya:)) maklum juga sih film Titanic waktu itu lagi jaman jamannya--“
And the second greated, Uda tau kan? Uda doong! Itu si manis:> Ho? Si manis apa? Jembatan ancol?:| Ih engga dong amit amit-_-
The third greated is Fitrunnisa, dia beda sekolah sekarang, dulunya satu bangku ama gue tiap dikelas kalo lagi belajar kita pasti ngomentarin guru entah dari segi penampilannya, cara penyampaiannya kalo lagi belajar. Terus yg paling nyebelin tuh suka ampe gambar-gambarin guru, itu juga kalo yg ngeboringin banget sih=) Eh gue yg ngajak ya fit._.v
 the last greated is Nurul Fadhila, ini nih si mamih tiap kerkel pasti dikerjainnya ama dia malahan ampe anak kelas pada pengen satu kelompok ama kita, ya mungkin itulah alasannya=) tapi suka keduluan keboking sih ama si Rizal ama si Dzikri dua anak yg gapernah akur padahal mereka sebangku loh-.-

Nah, sekarang uda pada kenal ama fins kan, next post nostalgiain mereka lagi deh.
Enaugh ya! Thankyou:3
